7.3 Available reports
This section lists the available reports. Some reports are associated with particular categories, and are available in both their own category and the Reports category, while other reports are available only in the Reports category.
section 7.3.1, People report.
section 7.3.2, Requests report.
section 7.3.3, Locations report.
section 7.3.4, Stock Limits report.
section 7.3.5, Assigned Devices report.
section 7.3.6, Device Import Requests report.
section 7.3.7, Unrestricted Audit Report.
section 7.3.8, Requests for review report.
section 7.3.9, Print PIN Mailer report.
section 7.3.10, Reprint PIN Mailer report.
section 7.3.11, Mobile Devices report.
section 7.3.12, Archived Requests report.
section 7.3.13, Unassigned Devices report.
section 7.3.14, Available Device Stock report.
section 7.3.15, All Requests report.
section 7.3.16, Assign Device Search report.
section 7.3.17, Devices report.
section 7.3.18, Awaiting Delivery report.
section 7.3.19, People with Biometrics report.
section 7.3.20, People Without Biometrics report.
section 7.3.21, Certificates report.
section 7.3.22, Stock Transfers report.
section 7.3.23, Stock Per Location report.
section 7.3.24, Additional Identities (AID) report.
section 7.3.25, Device Disposal report.
section 7.3.27, Assigned Devices by Group report.